Friday, November 7, 2014

Posted by jinson on 12:00 AM No comments

Completely delectable kababs that are soft and damp. They taste amazing with a side of greens or tomatoes and onions and some lemon crushed on top! YUM!

Servings Makes :12-15 kababs

500 gm
minced beef, all water crushed out totally
egg, gently beaten
egg, gently cooked/mixed with 1 tbsp. margarine, then cooled
finely slashed onion
1 tsp.
cumin powder
1 tsp.
coriander powder
green chillies, slashed
1/2 tsp.
red bean stew pieces
1/4 tsp.
garlic glue
1/4 tsp.
ginger glue
medium tomatoes, seeds evacuated then cleaved
salt to taste
1/2 tsp.
dark pepper powder
2 tbsp.
crisp coriander takes off
2-3 tbsp.
cornmeal, rice flour or breadcrumbs
Combine everything then refrigerate the mixture for 30 minutes. In the event that you abandon them excessively long, the tomatoes will discharge water and make the kababs soggy, so they will wind up softening up the oil. You can even shape the patties and place them on a tray, then put the tray in the cooler for 30 minutes so they solidify. At that point move ahead to broil them straightforwardly from the freezer...this help keep up their shape. :)

Heat a little non-stick griddle with 2-3 inches of oil, shape the patties level and round. Broil them on high hotness first then bring down the hotness to medium low and keep cooking the kababs until the color is pleasant and dark. Turn them over painstakingly and cook the other side. Make an effort not to swarm the skillet; it will be less demanding to turn in the event that you do 2-3 at a go. Evacuate and empty on kitchen towels. Drizzle some lemon juice on them before serving. Serve with onions, tomatoes and/or a mixed salad


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